sleepmatics,美黛斯名床,美黛斯,美黛斯床墊,美黛斯 SleepMatics是來自澳大利亞的進口床墊,其特點為提供功能性睡眠和整體健康。 不僅能讓您感覺煥然一新,而且每次睡眠後都會增加身體的能量水平並改善日常表現。


Celebrating The Dreams & Spirit of Australians

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The Great Australian Spirit

Live Life to the Fullest – just like how Australians celebrate everyday.

Gavin Smith, the founder of SleepMatics is a strong believer of the Australian’s energetic, active & dynamic lifestyle, which requires ample amount of sleep & rest to recharge. SleepMatics’s philosophical foundation is built around the idea of achieving vitality in life through high quality deep sleep.

So, enjoy your life to the fullest, leave the sleep matters to us.


Sleepmatics® Founder

Founded by Australian fitness trainer, Gavin Smith from Adelaide, SleepMatics was created with a goal in providing functional sleep with holistic health support to everyone around the world. With more than 2 decades of experience in the fitness and health industry, Gavin Smith discover that ‘sleep’ is more than having a good rest. A well-designed sleep system that comes with real health functions does not only makes you feel rejuvenated, but increase your body’s energy level and improve daily performance after every sleep.

Every Sleep Is Scientifically Calculated

Upgrade your daily essentials with a good mattress and deep rejuvenating sleep that tune your mood to good vibes all day long.
We have brought together the thought of sleep science and ultimate body relaxation. Two things to your life-changing well-being, only with sleeping.

SleepMatics® Innovation

SleepMatics® innovative technology allows all the mattresses to be equipped with technological features to fit the way you sleep and the way you live.

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